Saturday, June 1, 2013

When I Free ...... :)

The following pictures are my sketches during my free time. I like to carry around my sketchbook, I like to observe thing then draw it out, draw with my wonderful imagination and so on.. So, these are part of my sketchbook which I name them as - I WISH / HOPE

                                               I wish ... get married when I was 27 :)

 I hope ... I can earn lots of money to help whoever needs help. For example: beggar..homeless people, etc.

                                        I wish .. I can travel around , especially Paris :)

                              I hope.. I can be a muscular girl ! :D wahaha sounds scary.

I wish ... I can have a real bunch of good friends..hanging around, telling each other their secrets and so on.

                             I hope .. I can have my own company, be the nicest BOSS :)

                      I wish.. I can have my own house one day :) yes.. I would make it possible :)

           I hope.. Time can Back to the Past.. so that I can finish whatever thing is incomplete.

                I hope.. I can be a good singer.. take part in every big singing competition.

                                                    I hope .. I can change the time.

                                  I hope ... can travel around the world as a bag packer.

                                      I hope.. I can eat all the yummy delicious food :)

I wish .. I can be a national player of badminton, basketball, golf, ping pong and tennis. But that's a bit impossible :D Currently I'm just a state player of badminton.

                                  I wish .. I can have a slim body , wear sexy clothes.

                                   I wish ... I can sleep without seeing, setting alarm. :)

                         I hope .. I have my own band...singing , playing instruments around.

                 I hope .. Everyday is shopping day.. so I can shopping with mum everyday :D

                     I hope .. I really hope the world will be peaceful one day.. No War No fight !!

I hope.... Everything goes well and smoothly. :) 

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